Managed Investment Service
Our Solution to a Familiar Challenge
The Challenge
For most people, the task of assembling - and managing - a well-diversified investment portfolio can be complicated, time-consuming and expensive. Today there are thousands of funds to choose from, including actively managed funds and passive funds such as index trackers and exchange-traded funds (ETFs).
With so many options, it can be difficult to know whether you are getting good value for money. And that's not the only challenge. With so much uncertainty and market volatility to navigate, getting appropriate reutrns for the risk you're prepared to take is also now much harder. But it doesn't have to be.
Our Solution
Our Managed Investment Service brings together a hand-picked selection of investments, managed for you within one comprehensive portfolio. Our service is discretionary, which means a professional investment partner takes investment decisions on your behalf.
Your financial planner recommends the combination of investments that, together, closely matches your attitude towards risk and return, as well as your long-term financial goals. So, however you're invested, you know you're in good hands. We've built our service to be tax-efficient and able to adapt any changes to your long-term goals.
A Complete Investment Solution
A range of diversified investment portfolios
Clear, simple pricing
Suitable for all investors, and varying risk profiles
Managed by hand-picked investment partners
Only available through our Financial Planners
What Does This Mean For You?
Outstanding portfolio constructions
Our Managed Investment Service gives you a choice of investment portfolios that use different investment styles and approaches. These portfolios are managed by carefully selected investment partners, who aim to deliver the best performance for your preferred level of risk. They will do this by making sure your portfolio is diversified and reflects their latest thinking.
Please remember, the value of your investment and income from it can go down as well as up, and you may not get back the amount you invested.
Tax-efficient investment options
You can invest through an Individual Savings Account (ISA), Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP), other tax-efficient wrappers, or offshore bonds. Your financial planner will also recommend an investment platform to hold your investment in a safe and tax-efficient way.
Ongoing monitoring, governance and oversight
These investment partners take care of the day-to-day investment decisions, but our investment committee has full oversight and responsibility for the range of investments available to you.
This committee is also responsible for actively monitoring investment partners, as well as the underlying investments themselves, to ensure they are achieving their objectives. We choose to only work with like-minded, highly-skilled investment partners with an established track record. Those that don’t meet expectations will be replaced.
Reporting and investment reviews
You will receive a quarterly investment report that will show the value of your investment and any changes made during the quarter. Your financial planner will also conduct regular reviews with you, to ensure your investment strategy remains appropriate, and on track to meet its objectives.
How All The Parts Fit Together
Investment Manager
Investment Committee
Investment partner selection
Portfolio selection
Portfolio monitoring & oversight
Sub-Investment Manager
Investment Solutions
Investment partner due dilligence
Investment partner fee negotiations
Portfolio monitoring & oversight
Investment Ranges
Portfolio construction
Investment decisions
Portfolio management
Administration and Custody
Portfolio custody
Trade execution
Investment Partners
The Managed Investment Service includes several market-leading investment managers. We have chosen them for their strong investment credentials and expertise, and because of their focus on delivering consistent returns.
Tribe is the UK’s first dedicated Impact Wealth Manager, created in response to a significant increase in demand from individuals who wanted to achieve both sustainable impact and a financial return from their invested wealth.​
James Hambro & Partners (JH&P) is a privately-owned wealth management business, offering a combination of wealth management and multi-asset investing expertise. SWM and Amber River are one of only a few, select advice firms to partner with them.
TAM Asset Management is a boutique investment manager with a strong track record of managing model portfolios for over 10 years.
Shipman Wealth Management (SWM), ARIS and TAM have the same ultimate parent company, Amber River Group Holdings Ltd. Neither SWM or its employees recieve and renumeration for funds invested with TAM.
Investment Portfolio Options
*The risk profiles above provide an illustration of the risk level based on the risk scoring framework provided by Dynamic Planner (where 1 is low and 10 is high)
Fees and Charges Explained
The returns from your investment will be affected by fees and charges. Here's a breakdown on some of the different fees and charges you can expect to pay:
Financial Planner Fee
Your financial planner will charge a fee for the advice they provide to you. This fee is likely to be seperate to, and independent of, any charges that relate to the Managed Investment Service.
Portfolio Fee
The underlying funds and investments chosen by your Discretionary Investment Manager will also carry charges. However, our investment partners are often able to negotiate better terms than would be available to a typical direct investor.
Management Fee
This is for the investment management of the portfolio and will vary depending on which portfolio(s) you invest in.
Platform Fee
Your investment transactions will be carried out through an investment platform (e.g. Morningstar Wealth Platform) which will also charge you and administrative fee. Your financial planner can explain the impact of platform fees on your investment.
Why Choose Our Managed Investment Service?
A broad range of portfolios with different investment styles and approaches
Focus on capital growth or taking a regular income
Your planner can recommend the portfolio or combination of portfolios which best meet your needs, preferences and attitude to risk
Access to a selection of industry-leading investment managers
Your portfolio will always reflect the investment partner’s ‘current view’ of markets
We constantly monitor your portfolios to ensure they're managed in line with their investment objectives
You can access your portfolio via our platform anytime, anywhere
Available in a range of tax-efficient wrappers including ISAs, offshore bonds and SIPPs
You will receive a quarterly report so you can check that you are on track to achieve your goals
A flexible solution that evolves with you. If your requirements or life goals change, please speak to your financial planner, who will be able to adjust your investment portfolio to better suit your circumstances.
The value of investments may go down as well as up, and you may not get back the amount invested. Levels of income from investments may fluctuate.